Effects of marijuana on human reproduction

Reproductive Toxicology
Marina Debovis & Ozgul Muneyyirci-Delale


As U.S. states steadily legalize its distribution and the prevalence of its use in people of reproductive age continues to rise, the need to understand the effects of marijuana on human physiology is becoming increasingly urgent. While marijuana is well-known for its psychoactive effects and applications in controlling pain and nausea, little is known about its effects on reproduction. This review includes in vitro studies which consistently demonstrate associations between marijuana consumption and low sperm count, dysregulated menstruation, and abnormal placentation. While many in vivo studies associate maternal marijuana use with stillbirth, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission, and offspring psychosis, significant literature negates these relationships by controlling for poly-substance use and socioeconomic status. Data limited by self-reporting and confounds precludes the drawing of definitive conclusions regarding the effects of marijuana on reproduction. This review serves as a call to action to elucidate these effects and discourage marijuana use in people of reproductive age.

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