Condition: Anxiety

Cannabis and Mental Health: Adverse Outcomes and Self-Reported Impact of Cannabis Use by Mental Health Status

Please use this link to access this publication. Abstract Background: Cannabis can induce negative outcomes among consumers with mental health conditions. This study examined medical help-seeking behavior, patterns of adverse effects,…

A positive association between anxiety disorders and cannabis use or cannabis use disorders in the general population- a meta-analysis of 31 studies

Abstract Background The aim of the current study was to investigate the association between anxiety and cannabis use/cannabis use disorders in the general population. Methods A total of N = 267 studies were…

Cannabis and Anxiety: A Critical Review

Abstract Introduction: Cannabis has been reported to have both anxiogenic and anxiolytic effects. Habitual cannabis use has been associated with anxiety disorders (AD). The causal pathways and mechanisms underlying the association…

Association of cannabis potency with mental ill health and addiction: a systematic review

Please use this link to access this publication. Summary Cannabis potency, defined as the concentration of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), has increased internationally, which could increase the risk of adverse health outcomes…

Substitution of medical cannabis for pharmaceutical agents for pain, anxiety, and sleep

Please use this link to access this publication. Abstract A prior epidemiological study identified a reduction in opioid overdose deaths in US states that legalized medical cannabis (MC). One theory…

A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Medical Cannabis for Psychiatric, Movement and Neurodegenerative Disorders

Abstract The discovery of endocannabinoid’s role within the central nervous system and its potential therapeutic benefits have brought forth rising interest in the use of cannabis for medical purposes. The…

Patient-reported use of medical cannabis for pain, anxiety, and depression symptoms: Systematic review and meta-analysis

Please use this link to access this publication. Abstract Rationale Certifications for medical cannabis are generally restricted to a small number of specific medical conditions, yet patients frequently report symptoms of pain,…

Medical cannabis and mental health: A guided systematic review

Please use this link to access this publication. Abstract This review considers the potential influences of the use of cannabis for therapeutic purposes (CTP) on areas of interest to mental health professionals,…

Medicinal Cannabis for Paediatric Developmental, Behavioural and Mental Health Disorders

Abstract Parents of children with developmental, behavioural and mental health disorders are increasingly asking whether medicinal cannabis might be a therapeutic option for their child. This paper presents the current…

Does medicinal cannabis affect depression, anxiety, and stress in people with cancer? A systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention studies

Abstract Introduction Medicinal cannabis might have a role in supporting the mental health of people with cancer. This systematic review and meta-analysis examined the efficacy and safety of medicinal cannabis, compared…