Condition: Brain Function

Cannabinoid receptor activation acutely increases synaptic vesicle numbers by activating synapsins in human synapses

Please use this link to access this publication. Abstract Cannabis and cannabinoid drugs are central agents that are used widely recreationally and are employed broadly for treating psychiatric conditions. Cannabinoids…

Cannabis, Cannabinoids, and Brain Morphology: A Review of the Evidence

Please use this link to access this publication. Abstract Cannabis and cannabinoid-based products are increasingly being accepted and commodified globally. Yet there is currently limited understanding of the effect of…

Microglial Cannabinoid Type 1 Receptor Regulates Brain Inflammation in a Sex-Specific Manner

Please use this link to access this publication. Abstract Background: Neuroinflammation is a key feature shared by most, if not all, neuropathologies. It involves complex biological processes that act as…

Medical cannabis oil for benign essential blepharospasm: a prospective, randomized controlled pilot study

Please use this link to access this publication. Abstract Objective To examine the efficacy and safety of medical cannabis in benign essential blepharospasm (BEB). Methods This is a prospective, double-blind,…

Cannabis Use and Resting State Functional Connectivity in the Aging Brain

Abstract: Several lines of evidence suggest that older adults (aged 65+) sharply increased their cannabis use over the last decade, highlighting a need to understand the effects of cannabis in…

The relation between cannabis use, dependence severity and white matter microstructure: A diffusion tensor imaging study

Abstract Despite the significant societal and personal burden of cannabis use, the impact of long-term use and Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD) on white matter microstructure is still unclear. Previous studies…

Multimodal MRI data fusion reveals distinct structural, functional and neurochemical correlates of heavy cannabis use

Abstract Heavy cannabis use (HCU) is frequently associated with a plethora of cognitive, psychopathological and sensorimotor phenomena. Although HCU is frequent, specific patterns of abnormal brain structure and function underlying…

Bayesian causal network modeling suggests adolescent cannabis use accelerates prefrontal cortical thinning

Abstract While there is substantial evidence that cannabis use is associated with differences in human brain development, most of this evidence is correlational in nature. Bayesian causal network (BCN) modeling…

Regular cannabis use modulates the impact of HIV on the neural dynamics serving cognitive control

Please use this link to access this publication. Abstract Background: Cannabis use and HIV are independently associated with decrements in cognitive control. However, the combined effects of HIV and regular…

Is resting-state functional connectivity altered in regular cannabis users? A systematic review of the literature

Please use this link to access this publication. Abstract Rationale Regular cannabis use has been associated with brain functional alterations within frontal, temporal, and striatal pathways assessed during various cognitive…