Condition: General Information

Medicinal use of cannabis: A qualitative study of the perspectives of doctors and pharmacists from six African countries

Please use this link to access this publication. Abstract We conducted a qualitative study to examine the enablers and barriers influencing the implementation of medical cannabis from the perspectives of…

Negative experiences of patients using medicinal cannabis: A systematic review of qualitative studies

Please use this link to access this publication. Abstract Aims and objectives: In this study, we systematically reviewed qualitative studies concerning patients’ experience with medicinal cannabis (MC) use, to gain insight…

Assessment of Medical Cannabis and Health-Related Quality of Life

Key Points Question  Is medical cannabis treatment associated with improvements in health-related quality of life? Findings  In this case series of 3148 patients, significant improvements were reported on all 8 domains of…

Physicians’ Attitudes and Practices Regarding Cannabis and Recommending Medical Cannabis Use

Please use this link to access this publication. Abstract Introduction: Medical cannabis users tend not to trust or rely on health care providers regarding cannabis advice. Previous surveys of physicians have…

Medicinal Use of Different Cannabis Strains: Results from a Large Prospective Survey in Germany

Abstract Background Up to now, it is unclear whether different medicinal cannabis (MC) strains are differently efficacious across different medical conditions. In this study, the effectiveness of different MC strains was compared depending…

Cannabidiol use in France in 2022: Results from a nationwide representative sample of adults

Abstract Introduction Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-intoxicating cannabis compound found in diverse commercial products worldwide. However, its use may not be fully harmless. Accordingly, it is important to document the…

Medical Cannabis Patients Under the Age of 21 in the United States: Description of Demographics and Conditions from a Large Patient Database, 2019-2023

Abstract Introduction Existing research on medical cannabis patients has often overlooked those younger than 21. This study aimed to detail the frequency and rate of pediatric medical cannabis patients in…

Evidence of Cannabidiol Effectiveness Associated or Not with Tetrahydrocannabinol in Topical Administration: A Scope Review

Abstract Cannabis sativa is a plant of the Cannabaceae family, whose molecular composition is known for its vast pharmacological properties. Cannabinoids are the molecules responsible for Cannabis sativa potential effects, especially tetrahydrocannabinol and…

Medical cannabis use in Australia seven years after legalisation: findings from the online Cannabis as Medicine Survey 2022–2023 (CAMS-22)

Abstract Background Cannabis was legalised for medical purposes in 2016. Uptake was initially slow, but since 2019 there has been a large increase in the number of Australians who have…

Does acute cannabidiol (CBD) use impair performance? A meta-analysis and comparison with placebo and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

Abstract Cannabidiol (CBD) is widely used and believed to be non-intoxicating, lacking acute performance effects (e.g., non-impairing). However, a synthesis of data has not evaluated this. This meta-analysis synthesized data…