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Your data is stored in an encrypted database and sent securely to the REDCap server from which the project originated. Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) is a mature, HIPAA-compliant, web-based application used to capture and manage study data.

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If you choose to provide us with additional information about yourself, we will retain the information as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose of the communication. It will not be made available to anyone outside the team conducting this study, except as required by law. In all other instances, our systems de-identify all data submitted.

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There may be third-party applications and/or services embedded on this site to improve its functionality. Our integration of these products is intended to provide a seamless user experience. Where applicable, these applications’ specific privacy policies are provided.
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National Cannabis Study
Share your experience with medical cannabis with researchers.
All study procedures are subject to oversight by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and covered by a certificate of confidentiality (CoC).